Through Indigenous Ritual and Vedic Traditions (Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology).
A retreat with us includes an individual consultation to lay the groundwork for your experience, the weekend journey and a robust integration process that may include microdosis protocols and ancestral healing.
Joshua Tree retreat 2025 dates are out!
Joshua Tree retreat 2025 dates are out! 〰️
For my people of the Andes and the Ecuadorian Rainforest, the master plants are teachers and allies for self-growth and self awareness, for spiritual awakening, for deep healing, and as a regular practice to align ourselves with the Supreme Reality and the Pacha Mama.
Join me in this journey.
I have been facilitating retreats of medicina for the past eight years. Plant medicine ceremonies are sacred spaces of mystery and prayer, and I believe it is not just about administering the medicine, I believe in delivering the most genuine ceremony experience outside of the Amazon rainforest and the Andean plateau; by limiting the retreat size, I can better dedicate my attention to help our tribe achieve whatever intentions they set forth prior to the ceremony. Among other things we work with limpias, traditional ícaros, live music, and the practice of different healing therapies such as Ayurveda, Hapé medicine, sound bath healing, yoga sessions, and breath work meditation.
In the afternoon before the ceremony we generally have a number of different activities that vary depending on the theme of the retreat; from working with clay, experiencing the sacred hapé, learning songs of ceremony, baking together in the manner our elders taught us, or working specific themes in group sessions. We make sure the hours prior to the ceremony are spent in a relaxed and calm environment so the body and the spirit are better prepared for the work of the evening.
Mats, blankets, and pillows are provided to stay warm as the ceremony lasts into the wee hours of the night. The circle of medicine is held in the late afternoon as the light begins to fade. Penumbra light allows you to truly see; to go into deep meditation, move backward and forward in time and journey deeper into inner awareness. You can see it as shadow work. In this time the veil between the visible and invisible world is thin and sometimes non-existent. In the center of the sacred space an altar is created and a fire will be burning through the night. Ceremonies can last sometimes until pass midnight. On the next day our community enjoys a delicious and healthy breakfast, a relaxing morning of integration as we end at midday with a closing circle of integration.
My offering is a very singular experience like no other you will find in Southern California. As a native of Ecuador, I have a very old and deep connection with the Vine of the Soul, abuela Ayahuasca, (Banisteriopsis Caapi) and with Awacolla (Trichocereus Pachanoi), el maestro San Pedro. I met their spirit at a very young age and I have followed their calling of integrating plant medicine with the old teachings of India for the past seven years. My offering is based on the traditional ceremonies of the elders of Mesoamerica and Southamerica.
Therapies of detoxification with plant medicine have the potential to redirect your life, breaking unhealthy patterns, adding clarity to your life’s purpose and helping you work emotional blockages and trauma. It is a work that needs to be done with consistency and the utmost reverence. Healing cannot be forced, the plants of power will bring you face to face with unhealed wounds and emotional trauma from the past, they will aim to heal the fundamental workings of the mind and at the core will open your mind to a wider vision of the world and all the possibilities you can create for yourself. For these reasons, it is important to be receptive, committed and courageous. Come with an open mind and lots of love and compassion towards yourself.
This is the most important part of the work. After the ceremony the person goes home with new perspectives on their life and a desire to change things, with new insights or revelations, and a general need to adjust behaviors, inject new energy into certain relationships, etc. Without proper follow-up and integration, these revelations and insights can disappear in a short time. Some activities can help minimize this, for example writing down what emerged during your experience in order to internalize and anchor the contents, or continue the work with plant medicine in a more subtle way through micro dosing. I work closely with you during the post ceremony weeks or months
The sacred plants will help you to realize what is truly important in your life, and they will show you what is not. Sometimes these can be wonderful revelations, and sometimes what is revealed can be difficult to face and digest. That’s why accountability and follow up is so important.
Plant medicine hands us the key; it is our job to make the necessary changes, to put the key in the door and open it.
JOSHUA TREE, CA 09/08/23
A weekend where the mystery reminds us that we are all related.
Rooted in ancient wisdom and inspired by the teachings of Ayurveda, this sacred gathering seeks to honor "all our relations" and unveil the depths of our essence.
The desert, with its extreme climate and vast landscapes, symbolizes both harshness and resilience. The choice of this natural environment for the ceremony is intentional, as it mirrors the inherent challenges and growth within our own lives. Its stillness invites introspection, encouraging participants to reestablish their connection with themselves, others, and the world around them.
The ceremony itself is centered around the principle of recognizing "all our relations." This ancient concept emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings, encompassing everything from humans, animals, plants, the unseen, and even the celestial bodies.
As the sun sets and the desert sky reveals its luminescent tapestry of stars, participants gather in a sacred circle in front of grandfather fire.
Once prepared, participants consume a carefully measured individualized dose of psilocybin and embark on an introspective journey.
Through group discussions, creative expression, and practices such as meditation and yoga, the transformational effects of the ceremony are nurtured and solidified.
By recognizing "all our relations," the participants are encouraged to embrace a holistic worldview, rooted in respect, compassion, and unity. As they return to their daily lives, they carry this wisdom with them, becoming agents of positive change in the communities they touch. For in the recognition of our fundamental interconnectedness lies the potential to heal ourselves, each other, and the Earth.
psilocybin mushroom and hapé ceremony retreat
joshua tree, ca 01/24/23
Discovering Life's Purpose: A Psilocybin Mushroom Retreat in the Desert
Amidst the vast expanse of the desert, a sacred gathering takes place. Adventurers from all walks of life embark on a transformative journey seeking to unravel the enigma of life's purpose. Here, nature's gift of psilocybin mushrooms becomes a conduit to higher consciousness and self-discovery.
Gathered together, we enter a state of introspection and camaraderie, eager to nurture the seeds of revelation.
Under the guidance of Natalia and I participants embark on a carefully curated psilocybin journey. With intention and respect we all surrender to the wisdom the Niños Santos.
The desert becomes a canvas for our inner journey. The vastness of the landscape mirrors the expansiveness of our consciousness.
The retreat grounds and structure of three days provide a safe sanctuary for individuals to process their experiences. Through group sharing and individual reflections, we unveil layers of societal conditioning and personal illusions that may have veiled our purpose. In this sacred space, authenticity reigns as participants embrace vulnerability, supporting one another on their transformative paths.
Joshua Tree, CA 08/21/2022
The most magical weekend in the desert, the weather was perfect, we created circulos de palabra where everyone got to share a little about their background and what brought them to our space. We did yoga together, shared nutritious Ayurvedic meals, enjoyed a sound bath and got to spend one on one with Natalia so that she could give everyone an individualized experience when the time of the ceremony came.
The ancestors or the land welcomed us and we felt the Joshua Trees flanking us during the night offering protection and sustaining our purpose. Saturn rose bright in the horizon exerting his power of self responsibility and accountability. The moon rose around 1am right in front of us as we were about the sing the prayers to the water.
So much magic and awe until 3am in the morning! The next day we shared a very special breakfast and some time for integration. We left with our hearts so full of love, devotion and gratitude. Until next year!
IDYLWILD, CA 08/2022
After our special journey in the desert, we headed to the mountain for a change of scenery and energies. This retreat proved to be just as deep and healing. Immense gratitude to all our participants who took the reins of their life and set in motion a healing process that moved a lot inside of them. The inner work is not finished after the ceremony, this is just the beginning…
ceremonia de ayahuasca
Joshua Tree 10/16/2021
These are images of our last journey back in the fall of 2021. Joshua Tree was the magic land that welcomed us. We shared weeks of preparation, with a specific dieta I share with all the participants. On the days of the retreat we enjoyed a sound bath, the use of the fabulous facilities, individual sound therapy sessions, the learning of icaros, Ayurvedic meals and ceremony. We were enchanted by this group and their humble and loving energy. I can’t wait to see them again!
Seattle, WA 10/09/2021
This was a very special encounter in the Pacific Northwest for a very special client. A plant medicine retreat dedicated for a private group. We left with our hearts full of love and gratitude for the love, generosity of spirit, and absolute surrender of these phenomenal family.
ceremonia and retreat de ayahuasca
IDYLLWILD, CA 11/9/2019
On Saturday November 9 we gathered together in the mountains of Idyllwild for a special themed Plant Medicine retreat centered around ancestral work. The ancestors are the mighty dead, the bright ones who came before us, those who were well in spirit and woven into the long currents of energy that reach through blood and bone to our common origin. We are linked to our ancestors, consciously or not and these ties can have significant impact on our lives for better or worse.
For most of our history, humans have maintained a vibrant relationship of ancestral support and have consciously embodied the strengths and blessings of our unique, diverse bloodlines. Imagine walking through life with your ancestors by your side, owning your strengths, following your true path and feeling resourced, resilient and whole. This is what we intended to manifest on this weekend. A connection to who we are, our lineage, those who came before us and left profound marks, we honored and remembered their important legacy.
In my country of Ecuador we have a singular offering every November 2nd or Dia de Difuntos. We honor our dearly departed by baking bread in the shape of babies. On this special retreat we baked bread, we created an altar in memory of those that left the physical world and we communed in ceremony in front of the fire.
IDYLLWILD 05/30/2018
A powerful transformation has unfolded within the hearts and minds of the participants. This time the tall cedars of the mountain whispered wisdom and the tobacco took our prayers up to creator.
Leaving the mountain behind, our guests return to their lives, forever changed. Armed with newfound clarity, they embark on a lifelong journey to cultivate and nurture their purpose, understanding that it is not a destination but a vibrant ever-unfolding process.
Mama Ayahuasca has given her blessing for those seeking to blossom the purpose of life. With hearts and minds alight, participants learned Ayurvedic basic principles and radiating the wisdom gained forever cherishing the transformative power of their Idyllwild retreat.