// Unwinding // Reclaiming // Unlearning // Rewilding //
psilocybIn in ritual space
Join us in the majestic landscapes of the Mojave, Serrano, Chemehuevi and Coahuila, sacred desert territory of Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, San Bernardino area, where vast skies and ancient lands hold space for deep transformation.
We’ve been welcomed in this space for the past eight years to journey with the sacred mushrooms, known in the Oaxaca tradition as Niños Santos, the "Holy Children." This tradition honors Niños Santos as a spirit medicine, one that guides us into intimate communion with ourselves, with each other, and with the wisdom of the natural world.
In the presence of this sacred fungi, following protocols of traditional ceremony, we open ourselves to a type of healing rooted in the ancestral and the deeply personal. Guided with the intention to release trauma, work through grief, observe patterns of oppression, supremacy and deep pain, stagnant mental patterns, and the weight of past wounds, this medicine holds the potential to create new neural pathways and to help us see ourselves—and the world—with fresh clarity of purpose.
This experience is not simply about healing past pain but also about awakening to joy and creative inspiration. With the Niños Santos, we encounter a medicine that nourishes the whole self, rekindling our capacity for wonder, presence, and love. Through supportive practices that honor indigenous wisdom and celebrate the sacred and inspired by the teachings of our lineage we invite you to transform with purpose and reverence.
This is a space for those who seek authentic connection, who feel called to walk this sacred path, and who are ready to open to the mystery within and around them.
We welcome you, just as you are, to walk in the footsteps of the ancestors, to reimagine your life with respect, love, and gratitude.
The original land of Joshua Tree that belongs to the Cahuilla, Mojave and Serrano tribes becomes our home during our retreats of medicine
Psilocybin Cubensis is the strain of sacred medicine we use in our ceremonies and therapies
Weekend retreat, includes shared accommodations, Ayurvedic meals, yoga, ceremony, and integration process.
Dear future member of our tribe,
Welcome to a beautiful weekend of spiritual practices.
Join us as we co-create an unforgettable adventure of deep holistic healing based in sacred reciprocity and what it means to live in harmony with nature and with each other. Come to reconnect to your own personal power and discover the potential you have to heal yourself, all with the help of the plantas de poder, the master plants. We journey together creating tribe in the sacred circle of a ceremony. Our allies, the sacred tobacco, the abuelo Fuego, mother water, brother wind, the ancestors and spirits of the land and the sacred medicine, under the stars and in the heart of the desert. These gatherings are aimed at healing from a cellular level, we work with a purpose and an intention to create a container of trust that facilitates physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional transformation. This is profound work of resetting our compass and reclaiming our sovereignty, rooted in the combined traditions and wisdom from our elders of both North and South America.
~ What to expect?~
You will be welcomed by the team on Friday afternoon. After setting into your room or air streamer we will get together for a welcoming dinner. A large part of working with the plants of power is the sense of connection and community they foster. This is a great opportunity to meet your practitioners, to learn who your community for the weekend is and to get acquainted with the sacred land that welcomes us and its spirit ancestors, as we create our first circle of word and start building tribe.
The ceremony is held in the late afternoon of Saturday after sunset. Penumbra light allows you to enter the energetic field where the medicine will do its work. Many refer to this as shadow work. In this time the veil between the visible and invisible world is thin or sometimes non-existent.
Our ceremony is held outdoors around the abuelo Fuego. The lineage and traditions of our elders are respected and followed as we create a sacred ritual space where energies and frequencies will be called upon. We will sing and chant, we will create a circle of connection and contention to call on the power of the medicine and of the ancient traditions.
We work with very small groups to allow for maximum individual care.
Adela is a ceremonialist, animist, sahumadora, medicine woman, and guardian of ancient technologies from her Quechua lineage in the high Andes of Ecuador.
Adela was born and raised in Quito, Ecuador and currently lives with her two daughters in Tongva territory, stolen lands we know today as Los Angeles, California.
She practices Ayurvedic Medicine, Yoga and Vedic Astrology and facilities women’s circles, cacao ceremonies, wellness retreats nationally and internationally while supporting her local community with psychedelic assisted therapy and micro dosis protocols.
Adela holds a BA in Film, AP (Ayurvedic Practitioner) and AHC (Ayurvedic Health Coach) certifications and speaks Spanish, French, Italian and English.
~ The package ~
Included on the weekend of transformation is a private assessment prior to the gathering. I will get to know you and create a protocol of prior to the gathering to help you maximize your experience, I will guide you in refining your intention in order to calibrate your exact dosage and give you personalized attention during important parts of the ceremony.
All shared accommodations, Ayurvedic meals, yoga class, practices and use of the facilities are part of the package.
Included is the integration session the next day and into the following weeks to help you start consolidating the teachings of the medicine.
Blessed be your courage to take flight upon new inner and outer landscapes!
Joshua Trees surround the space where we gather. They are our allies and protectors, they guard the fire and the sacred circle
Ancestral healing is synonymous with generational healing; with the help of the mushroom and its own intelligence we are able to access this modality of healing not only from a psychological and neurological perspective but incorporating a spiritual approach as well. The origin of ancestral healing is innate to the human experience and to our cultural belonging. No matter our background, we all have traditional, cultural, authentic, and indigenous ways of honoring our heritage and a responsibility to our children to heal generational trauma, to become well seated ancestors one day.
Aspects of ancestral healing include honoring the lands where we come from, reflecting on the lived lives of our relatives, accessing womb healing and in-uterus stored memories. Many of us don’t even realize that we’re repeating patterns from our mothers, fathers, let alone the people from generations so far back that we aren’t even aware of their names, or from the dynamics of conquerors and colonized cultures that have left an imprint on our karmic blueprint. If you are dreaming to see something different in your own life, different from that of your family line, or are looking to do it in a specific way and are still feeling stuck — it is probably a good idea to explore ancestral trauma healing from the container we have created.
With the help of the medicine and of specific practices we teach you, we get deep into old blockages stored in your cells, into the memory of your lineage and that can be acknowledged and released. This is not a one time solution, it’s a process that takes commitment, dedication, skillful practice, and attention.
Ancestral lineage healing is a spiritually-grounded, ritual process that empowers you to connect, repair, and nurture relationships with your own wise and loving ancestors and rid yourself of patters of behavior, pain, trauma.
We carry these burdens in our physical and subtle bodies - but we carry the blessings and gifts of our abuelos as well. The lineage repair process opens a pathway to your roots to fuel the transformation and the full embodiment of your gifts from the ground up.
Learn about what previous guests had to say about their experience
Introductions. Circle of word. Meet your tribe.
A very important part of the work we do is to learn to work with the land and with her ancestors; upon arrival we pay our respects to the original stewards of the Morongo Valley where Joshua Tree is located (The Serrano, Chemehuevi, Cahuilla, and Mojave tribes) we introduce ourselves and our intentions.
REST AND RESTORE LEISURE TIME This is a time to enjoy the facilities and relax the body and mind, journaling, meditating, getting to know your fellow participants; pool time, going for a walk, or simply resting.
THE EXCHANGE: $1150 per person
“AYNI – the force of reciprocity. The Andean tradition is extremely flexible and, above all, spacious. It has structure, but no rigid rules and dogmas. Therefore, only one commandment or moral rule exists in the Incan tradition: the law of AYNI– the sacred art of reciprocity. Ayni is simply a reflection of the reality that exists in the energy world, where everything is mutually connected and interrelated: the exchange of energy that we constantly share with each other, nature, the elements and the cosmos.
Simply put: “When you give something, you can get something back, and when you get something you have an obligation to reciprocate and give something back.” It is about lifting each other up to higher levels so that everyone grows. It is about sharing knowledge and wisdom so that humanity grows and our common harmony is strengthened.
Beds or private air streamers are on a first come first serve basis. We always strive to make our retreats small in size to better assist everyone in attendance. 15 participants is our cap; we will always try to accommodate you and make your experience as comfortable as possible. However please keep in mind, the sooner you sign up, the better your chances are to secure the room of your choice.
Bathrooms are shared.
Recommended dress code for ceremony: long dress or long skirt for women, pants for men. If you wish to enjoy the pool bring a swimsuit and towel. Pack a yoga mat and comfortable clothes for our morning movement session. Keep in mind that the temperatures in the desert during summer can be very hot and unpredictable. Layer, wear light breathable clothes, sun hat and mineral sun block.
When packing, simplicity is key. Bring along as little as is necessary. No need to pack any distractions. Here’s our typical packing list: Clothes and shoes for two days, environmental friendly toiletries, hat & sunscreen, outerwear, blankets for the evening ceremony, journal, pen, altar items.
The communal breakfast is a large part of the tradition and the time when we as a group sit to enjoy the end of the long night and the start of the new day by sharing the ‘alimentos’. As a sign of gratitude and connectedness with the pacha mama and our fellow participants, we kindly request that everyone brings a healthy homemade dish to share for our Sunday morning meal.
In the middle of the space where we will gather, there will be an altar. You are welcome to bring any objects you feel represent your purpose working with the medicine; anything you want blessed, natural objects or pictures.
As part of the offering, after booking your spot, you are automatically welcomed to reserve a one on one online consultation with Adela to help you prepare for the experience by addressing any issues or health concerns prior to the ceremony.
Make sure you book a time right after securing your spot.
We recommend the following experiences to build onto this extraordinary opportunity of transformation and deep reconnection.
MICRODOSING THERAPY (one month protocol that includes consultation, medicine, and spiritual tools)
* Cancellation Policy - In the event that you book your journey and for any extraneous circumstances you cannot attend your assigned date, we will honor that space for a future date at no extra cost. You also have the opportunity to transfer your space to someone else.
Thank you for understanding our no refunds policy.