The doshas
your inherent biological constitution
ONe of the most important foundational concepts of ayurveda helping us to understand ourselves and the world around us
Since the time of conception every human being has a combination - in different proportions- of the three life forces or doshas - a sort of biological make up unique to you that manifests in a blend of physical, emotional and mental characteristics, your own personal blueprint! By getting a proper understanding of your dosha and its qualities, you enter the beautiful realm of self knowledge and inner awareness.
This ratio of doshas in each person constantly fluctuates and tends to get destabilized due to many factors in our environment like weather, seasons, lifestyle choices and diet. Ayurveda gives us the tools to bring those doshas to a state of homeostasis through daily practices, food, lifestyle routines, Ayurvedic medicine, Ayurvedic detoxification methods and body work therapies.
Vata dosha
the energy of air and ether
Vata dosha predominant people are those artistic, enthusiastic, light and airy types. As its main elements imply, these lovely people can be very quick thinkers and have fast responses, always on the go, they love to change things up constantly; jobs, careers, lovers, projects, redecorating their homes or traveling to new destinations when they get tired of their environment. Their energy comes in bursts, they live in the world of ideas and dreams, they take initiative and can be very flexible and adaptable.
Irregularity is their main issue and with that, an excess of the airy characteristics can set in.
When imbalanced they can get anxious, ungrounded, and can seem "flaky" about fulfilling commitments, sticking to a routine, and completing projects. Those inherent qualities of the air and space elements can make them prone to dry skin, cracking joints, coldness and constipation.
Pitta dosha
the energy of fire and water
Pitta dosha types are ruled by the fire and water elements, which in turn manifests in them through the energies of heat and transformation. With a sharp intellect and direct focus, pitta people are charming,, passionate and determined. They take charge and inspire others with their vision and leadership skills. Bold and courageous, pittas set boundaries, they are ambitious, they persevere until they reach their goals, highly competitive and skilled.
Irritability, burn out and inflammation are their key issues.
When out of balance, Pitta dosha can get aggressive, obsessive, intense, and burn the whole forest down. They can be prone to skin issues, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, hyperacidity, blood related issues, anger, a judgmental attitude and frustration.
Kapha dosha
the energy of water and earth
Kapha dosha is a combination of earth and water elements, and is therefore characterized by coolness, slowness, smoothness, softness, and groundedness. Kapha people are trustworthy, stable of strong build and good stamina. They are naturally calm people, happy to stay at home, comfortable with routines, loyal and loving. Like with everything in nature, no dosha is inherently good or bad – what is important is its expression, whether the energy is in balance or not.
Out of balance, their key issues are lack of stimulation, stagnation, sluggishness.
When Kapha dosha builds up in excess in the body, we experience excess mucous, overweight issues, congestion, edema, heaviness of mind, laziness or stubbornness, depression and a slow metabolism.
A basic principle in Ayurveda is: “like increases like,” and therefore, “opposites decrease”, balance or acts as medicine. For example, if you are cold and you eat ice cream, you will become colder; or if you are hot and you eat chilli peppers, you will become hotter. These examples, which seem so obvious, are the basis for much of what is done in Ayurveda that allows its exceptional results. Herein lies one of the true beauties of Ayurveda: its principles are so simple, so basic, that it naturally appeals to common sense.
We live in Vata Dosha aggravating times, our fast pace, electronics filled and multitasking lifestyle naturally increases Vata. Hot weather, spices and constant pressures can contribute to aggravate pitta and so forth. Ayurveda is all about learning to balance these delicate ebb and flow of mind and body.
And by adopting simple and small changes in your life, honoring the needs of the specific individual you can enjoy a renewal of energy and an all-around wholesome life.