Experience a holistic journey towards mental, emotional, and physical balance with a blend of Ayurvedic Medicine and Indigenous Wisdom.

Elevate your daily routine, your vitality, and your sense of purpose with consciously crafted solutions that nourish you from the inside out.




Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind-body connection, Vedic sages from India developed Ayurveda, which continues to be one of the world’s most sophisticated and powerful health systems.

Ayurveda “Mother of all Healing” translates in Sanskrit as Science of Life; Ayur meaning life and Veda science or knowledge. As a philosophy of life, Ayurveda teaches us to live in harmony with the basic laws of nature; as a complete medical science, Ayurveda offers a holistic guide map for awakening our own healing potential.

I propose an Ayurvedic approach for today’s busy world while remaining rooted in the classical traditions. Western medicine tends to treat symptoms with a one size fits all solution or pill. Ayurveda’s aim is to find the root of the disturbance that has given rise to the symptom and direct its treatment towards the eradication of the causative factors, understanding that any symptom is a manifestation of a core imbalance.

I don’t call myself a healer, I prefer to think of myself as a guardian and steward of ancient technologies. I put in practice skillful compassion to help people access their own inner healer. My offering is based on a cross-cultural exchange between Earth medicine and Ancestor reverence combining the art of Ayurvedic medicine with the wisdom of the elders of my land of Ecuador in the high Andes.

My core values are guided by the Andean principles of Ayni in Quechua meaning Sacred Reciprocity and the Sumaq Kawsay translated as The Art of Right Living.

Offering reverence to YakuMama the spirit of the feminine waters, anaconda mother of the waters, mother of the underworld, where life and death meet one other in a constant dance, where the key is deep transformation, self renewal, and mastery over the inner self.

These two living principles of the Andean Cosmovision are the essence of my work in mentoring 1:1, ritual, and in my personal life.


At some point in history in most of our cultures, the conscious relation to spirit and nature stopped being normalized, it got penalized, punished, so things got lost in the way. My offering centers on the reclamation of our authentic roots, specially for us women: listening to our ancestors, they are trying to liberate us to what perpetuates the cycles of oppression. Standing up against the massive energies of ignorance, colonialism, supremacy, imperialism, injustice and violence, understanding that we all share this soil, this pacha mama, these waters, these stars. Indigenous thought is about stewardship, not owning the land but protecting her and leaving her better than we found her for future generations. Through ritual we build culture to include the more than human and their intelligences, when we fail to acknowledge this, we risk acting arrogantly, perpetuating supremacy attitudes. By honoring all our relationships we come back to the original power, to the original values: the earth, the water, the fire, the wind and the ether, to them we will always return.

The Journey

Let me help you uncover and support the best version of yourself.

Through a consultation with me you will understand the principles that guide your individual nature. I look at disease from the perspective of the Ayurvedic lens that encompasses the whole body, mind, and soul rather than just the symptoms. With the help of the ancient science of Ayurveda and the sacred teachings from the Andes I will guide you on a holistic journey towards optimal health and a more vibrant outlook on life. I can assist you whether you need to resolve a particular health issue or if you want to learn about how ancient, integrative medicines can support your wellness journey through nutrition, herbs, plant medicine, ritual and daily routines.

Los altares le hacen bien a la tierra, le hacen bien a la noche, le hacen bien al espiritu, le hacen bien a la vida
— Carmen Vicente