Cotopaxi - ayni

My Ayurvedic practice is my sadhana

Adela is committed to serving her community and sees her work as her passion and her great responsibility towards mother earth, mother water, father fire and brother wind; towards her ancestors and towards her lineage. Her practice is also a profound tool for her own self healing, self realization, and development.

Adela’s main core value is the Andean concept of AYNI or Sacred Reciprocity. In nature everything is an exchange. Ayni involves all the relationships that exist among the people as well as their relationship with Mother Earth, Pachamama, sentient beings and the unseen.

Ayni is about lifting each other up to higher levels so that everyone grows. We live in ‘Kausay Pacha’ – the world of living energy. Everything in the universe is living and mutually connected – from the smallest creature on earth to the stars in the sky. “Kausay” means abundance and “Pacha” means living so for her people the name of our planet and our universe is “the world of living abundance”. The wisdom of ayni is a conscious part of Adela’s life, it is the belief that we are all equal and ONE.


To bring Ayurveda’s timeless wisdom into a modern framework where its traditional healing methods, therapies, rituals, and practices can be in the service of her community.

Adela is committed to make an income ethically, with integrity and absolute fairness while raising the voice of marginalized groups like the indigenous people of her country.

Adela is committed to work daily on herself, to maintain a daily routine, a healthy diet and practices of mindfulness and restorative health in order to offer the best of her to her clients.

She is dedicated to offering free clinics and educational opportunities. A newsletter with health and wellness information is sent to all subscribers with advise and lifestyle recommendations. Adela works on a sliding scale for clients in need. She is part of an collective healers initiative called Low Cost Ayurvedic Clinic where twice a year and for a whole week she sees clients from all over the world via telemedicine and for only $20 per 20 minutes session.



Seva is an act of compassion, service, and care for others above oneself. Adela serves her community, tribe, family and anyone who is looking to grow, to evolve, to improve their health and to live longer and more fulfilling years.

Adela serves anyone of any gender, race, age, ethnicity and nationality who is ready to make changes, who is willing to learn about holistic medicine and willing to make the commitment towards self betterment.

Adela specializes in holding space for anyone who needs spiritual support while going through major life transitions.

Adela’s commitment is towards women, mothers, daughters ready to have a transformational journey by aligning their rhythms with those of the moon cycles in support of their full fledged womanhood, embodiment, empowerment in support of their menstrual cycles, their fertility, their pregnancy, post pregnancy and menopause and personal choices.

Adela believes in the concept that love generates and promotes healing. Love is the first medicine, and love encompasses gratitude, in giving back by donating and supporting causes and organizations that are meaningful to me. She owes India the wealth of her knowledge and all that she will keep learning in the future. Adela is very sensitive to the fact that this is not her cultural heritage, therefore she supports organizations in India committed to protect mothers and children.

She believes in giving due mention and absolute gratitude to the traditions and cultures that are not of her ancestral lineage. In supporting environmental organizations that protect the Amazon rainforest like Rainforest Alliance, she donates monthly to Ocean Conservancy and supports a non profit organization in Otavalo, in charge of upleveling and empowering small indigenous business in her country of Ecuador.